The questions I've had during my learning process.

Id Question Solved at
1 How do you install? Solved
2 How do you start developing? Solved
3 How do you make graphics with Django? Solved
4 Django uses some kind of structure to tell the application where to look for links. How does this hierarchy work? What is actually put into the different files? Solved
5 What is the most basic way to add the url:s to Solved
6 What is the " '^ " thing that can be seen in the URLpatterns? Solved
7 What is the $ sign in the URLpatterns? Solved
8 If I want to embed an iframe to the app can I do it straight into the HTML? Pending
9 Are all of the URLpatterns always put into the file? Pending
10 Is it difficult to change to the production server? Pending
11 How do I really get an external CSS sheet working? Pending
12 How do I connect a new app that I've created under the project folder to the project? Pending
13 What's the development process if I want to create a new website with apps? Something discovered
14 How do you cross query models? For example, If I have a blog app and a books app, how can I show related blog posts in my books app? Pending
15 How do I take the admin interface into use? Solved
16 How do I alter the models I already have? Pending
17 How do I customize what is shown and can be edited in the admin interface? Solved
18 When I want to start developing after some time, how do I start the server and check the page etc? Pending

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Starting development after a pause / Starting the server etc

18.When you start your development:
1. go into your project folder from your terminal, run python runserver.
2. go to your site at or if you have your admin site setup.
3. Start working again...